Thursday, March 1, 2018


Hello Bio Reader, 

    This is a brief summary on who I am, and why I'm currently enrolled in this class. I'm studying to be an ADN/RN. I'm engaged to a teacher, we do not have kids, or animals. We are just planning for the future. I do well with work, and school. I love video games, singing, and art. RPG games are my favorite. My work ethic is greatly appreciated  no matter where I go, resulting in fast promotions, and leadership positions. I've always been interested in the health field since I was a child reading Grays Anatomy, never fully understanding everything, but the curiosity was always there. 

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck in the Health field and a strong work ethic is an excellent quality to have! I am looking forward to reading your blog posts this semester.



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