Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Penelope Chambers
Ms. Jacobs
Reading 101-100

Final Fantasy VII Advent Children

       These days technology has become a distraction for many people, and movies are used to help people mentally escape from their own reality. The movie Final Fantasy VII Advent Children first debuted September 14, 2005, and was directed by Tetsuya Nomura. This animation is an action thriller, that has some science fiction added to it. It's a continuation of a video game titled Final Fantasy VII, that was internationally released October 2 1997, and the movie is set two years after the ending of the game, ( 
       In short, this story is about a protagonist named Cloud, along with his group of friends, who try their best to save the world from chaos. The antagonist of the story is Sephiroth, along with his followers known as remnants. Sephiroth was defeated at the end of Final Fantasy VII, but even in his death he still managed to cause a widespread plague of sorts, which was derived from his predecessor's cells. These cells would attack the immune systems of children, as their already weakened immune systems made them more susceptible for contracting the disease known as Geostigma. Cloud himself contracts the disease, which causes him pain when he tries to fight. After one of Sephiroths remnants collects a metal box containing Jenova cells, he then infuses himself with them in order to bring back the antagonist through reincarnation. Cloud fights against him alone, and without help. At the end Cloud inevitably wins, and Sephiroth goes back to the lifestream.   
       In the opening scene of the trailer uses all "Five Elements of a Riveting First Line," as the setting is two years after the game, the music creates a sad tone, as the protagonist's character is shown standing in a body of water holding the body of a girl, the narrator continues to speak in a sad, and omniscient manner, (Weiland 341).  It's understood to people who played the game, that the girl at the beginning was murdered by the antagonist. Midway through the trailer the viewers are shown action scenes, and at the end it asks questions that the viewers might ponder to themselves. That shows that conflict is heavily incorporated in this film, and like Weiland stated, "No conflict, no story,"(Weiland 339). The first scene was a great hook, because it's already showing a death scene of a beloved character. During the beginning of the trailer, there are many new ideas being placed in the viewers head by the narrator giving new terminology that was not in Final Fantasy VII. That made the audience question what was to come as they watched the movie for the first time. 

Behrens, Laurence, and Leonard J. Rosen. Writing and Reading Across the Curriculum. 13th, ed., Pearson, 2016

Friday, April 6, 2018

Happiness Blog Post 3

Penelope Chambers
Ms. Jacobs
Reading 101-100

Happiness Is A Delusion
     A lot of people think that you're either born happy, or you are not. Adam Phillips stated that "Anyone who could maintain a state of happiness, given the state of the world, is living in a delusion." I'd agree with his statement, as a lot of us living in todays society do try our best to ignore the issues going on in order to maintain a sense of mental disconnect from reality. There are moments of what we consider to be happiness, when we are feeling positive. 

    It's hard to avoid all the corruption in our government, companies, even our healthcare systems. Then you think about all the natural disasters that occur, tornados, hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, so with all those we live in constant danger. Mother nature, and even the people that live here on earth pose a threat to life.  If your life is threatened constantly, it's difficult to maintain positive feelings. People who are happy, have chosen to ignore the dangers that could threaten their happy lives. Even if someone insures all their belongings, there are some things that you can't insure. When I was a little girl, our house burned down, but we were happy to be alive, yet were upset over the loss of irreplaceable objects from our family such as baby photos.

     Although people consider their positive emotions as happiness, it's only temporary. "The first route to greater happiness is hedonic, increasing positive emotion." (Seligman 2002) As long as you can place all of the horrors that go on in the world today out of your mind, you can become a more positive person. A lot of people, especially the younger generation, have chosen to not watch the news in order to avoid hearing about all the tragic events that occur on a daily basis. 

     How can anyone be happy when we live in a capitalist world that is ran by money? Even those who have a considerable amount of money struggle to stay happy, but it's easier for them to remain positive when they do have more financial security. Materialism has taken over a lot of our minds to equate to our positive feelings. Mae West once said, "I've been rich, and I've been poor; believe me, rich is better." Money can affect the amount of happiness a person might feel. If you are living in poverty, it's a bit more difficult to remain positive about life
     In summary, people have become deluded to the world around them in order to be what they consider "happy." If we pondered about what bad will happen next, then we could never live our lives with any positive moments. Humans have had to adapt to overpopulation, and continue to create new ways to be happy as life becomes harder for the middle, and lower class. Distractions will always get us through the times of sadness, and pain. Whether it be playing video games, watching movies, or going on a family trip. We will always use distractions to avoid confronting all the issues we are faced with.


Friday, March 23, 2018

Rumor Post

Penelope Chambers
Ms. Jacobs
Reading 101-100


Florida Legalizing Recreational Use of Marijuana?
     In today's world it's hard to avoid the spreading of gossip and rumors, as social media has helped further the efforts of spreading stories for the purpose of entertainment, but should websites stop piggybacking off of what we consider to be "real" news sites? In the State of Florida in the month of March, 2018, people took to their social media pages, and began spreading a shared link to what seemed to be an ABC News article that was captioned, “Florida Passes Bill Legalizing Recreational Use of Marijuana,” (link here 

     The article stresses that legalizing recreational use of the plant, will help stimulate the economy there. It mentions Florida Democrat Leader Janet Cruz a lot, saying she strongly agrees with legalizing it for economic growth. However, she never said any of the things that she's quoted of saying such as, "The state budget was due two weeks ago, and Florida simply can’t afford to wait any longer. We deserve a real plan to create new jobs and stimulate our lagging economy, and that’s what this bill is." is not legitimate, but is the real one. (

     All in all, this article is completely not factual, and is a fabrication. They said this bill would be in action by Easter. This makes people expect something to happen, that may not happen for some more time to come, if ever. The quotes as well as the legislation is fake news, that takes the reputation of ABC news, and uses it to make it seem as if they posted the story.  

     Many people have learned that not everything you hear on the Internet, or TV is true anymore. We as people have learned that media seeks attention, and will say anything that sounds appealing for views. This is a controversial topic, as not everyone agrees that Florida should legalize the use of recreational marijuana, or use that to boost the economy. As it's considered a drug, there is a lot of debate that surrounds the issue. There are many arguments ongoing about states legalizing the drug, and there will continue to be in the future it seems. 
     Once in awhile I look on websites such as Facebook, and Twitter. There I often find a lot of bogus news articles. It's hard to tell a fake news from a real one at times, as both can look very convincing. Rumors come in all types, I think this type of rumor is considered anticipatory, or even a "Pipe-dream or Wish Rumor; the types of rumors express the wishes and hopes of those among they circulate." (Knapp 496) 

     The people who published the fake story, might of wanted people to get ready, or anticipate a change being made in congress that would benefit their wishful thinking on the passing of legalization of marijuana. The way to avoid falling for a rumor, is to check your sources, and ( is the domain I used to help find information for this post. Fact checking takes work, and it's important that people learn the dangers of believing everything that they read. 

Image result for picture of news article and fake one

Thursday, March 1, 2018


Hello Bio Reader, 

    This is a brief summary on who I am, and why I'm currently enrolled in this class. I'm studying to be an ADN/RN. I'm engaged to a teacher, we do not have kids, or animals. We are just planning for the future. I do well with work, and school. I love video games, singing, and art. RPG games are my favorite. My work ethic is greatly appreciated  no matter where I go, resulting in fast promotions, and leadership positions. I've always been interested in the health field since I was a child reading Grays Anatomy, never fully understanding everything, but the curiosity was always there. 


Penelope Chambers
Ms. Jacobs
Reading 101-100
Ethical Dilemma; The Healthcare Field, Dealing with Life and Death Situations
    In the healthcare field, it’s best to abide by the laws, even in situations where you may want to act
according to your own moral values. When I was faced in a situation where life and death matters 
come into play, I was sometimes forced to go against my own beliefs, and morals in order to get 
things accomplished. In the healthcare field, it's not acceptable to tell a patient that they will be 
alright, or that they will live. The reason behind that, is because you cannot say with certainty that the
  person will survive. Saying such things will result in termination, or a lawsuit if the person’s family
was able to hear you tell their loved one that they would live.  
In "The Common Good Approach" written as one of the five sources of Ethical Standards, it 
states that “This approach suggests that the interlocking of relationships of society are the 
basis of ethical reasoning and that respect and compassion for all others--especially the vulnerable
--are requirements of such reasoning.” (Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara 
University. Manuel Velasquez, Dennis Moberg, Michael J. Meyer, Thomas Shanks, Margaret
 R. McLean, David DeCosse, Claire AndrĂ©, and Kirk O. Hanson. May 2009. 277). It’s usually
 in a caregivers best interest to do their best for the patient, but they also teach you that you need 
to put your well being first before that of the patient. I’m usually the type of person that might 
ignore the dangers of a given situation that might put me in harms way, if it could benefit the
 health and safety of another. My religion is Christianity, and we often do a lot of work within 
the community, so it’s usually just natural for me to rush to someone’s aid without really 
considering all the risks involved. Mistakes are bound to happen, as humans are not perfect. I
 feel like many people would want to tell a child that is dying that everything will turn out 
fine, but if you are in the medical field it goes against what you are told.  
Mainly, it’s pertinent that healthcare workers do not break any laws, and abide by the rules to 
not deal with the punishment. Even if the situation goes against a healthcare workers values,
religion, or morals. They must not break any rules, as the hippocratic oath is something that is
 sworn, and going against it is a crime. To elaborate on this; “Stage four (law-and-order): Heinz 
should not steal the medicine because the law prohibits stealing, making it illegal, or Heinz 
should steal the drug for his wife but also take the prescribed punishment for the crime as well as 
paying the druggist what he is owed. Criminals cannot just run around without regard for 
the law; actions have consequences.” (Kohlberg, Lawrence (1981). Essays on Moral Development, 
Vol. I: The Philosophy of Moral Development. Harper & Row.) Kohlberg sums up the 
Ethical Dilemmas involving healthcare. I have been in similar situations, where I’ve wanted 
to choose to help someone, but if I did it would of went against the laws. Therefore I couldn’t 
help a lot of the time, because in doing so I’d of placed myself in many risk type situations in 
order to help someone.
Finally I think that it’s everyone’s duty to follow their own beliefs and do what is right, but 
also following the laws is necessary so that our society doesn’t go into chaos. We need 
structure and social standings in order. 
Here is a link to the Hipopocratic Oath-

Image result for healthcare
Works Cited
Kohlberg, Lawrence (1981). Essays on Moral Development, Vol. I: The Philosophy of Moral
 Development. San Francisco, Harper & Row. 285-286
Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University. Manuel Velasquez, Dennis 
Moberg, Michael J. Meyer, Thomas Shanks, Margaret R. McLean, David DeCosse, Claire AndrĂ©, and Kirk O. Hanson. 
May 2009. 277
 "Translation from the Greek by Ludwig Edelstein. From The Hippocratic Oath: Text, 
Translation, and Interpretation", by Ludwig Edelstein. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1943.


Penelope Chambers Ms. Jacobs Reading 101-100 04/24/2018 Final Fantasy VII Advent Children  ...